This is the sixth of the twenty Kundalini Kriyas of Kriya Yoga. If you have not completed my free online course, please download and complete that first.
This kriya continues directly from the last kriya. Eyes are open, breath is fully exhaled, tongue is in Kechari Mudra, head is drooped forward, and your focus is on Mooladhara. Mentally repeat "Mooladhara" three times then begin Ujjayi inhalation while moving your concentration along the Arohan passage up the front of the body through the Kshetrams. It is now optional to mentally repeat the name of each Kshetram as you pass by it: Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddhi. At Vishuddhi, move your head up and droop it back as your concentration reaches Bindu. Hold your breath and mentally repeat "Bindu" three times.
Practice Moola Bandha and Shambhavi Mudra while holding your breath. Mentally repeat, "Shambhavi - Khechari - Mool", while at the same time shifting your awareness to the center of these practices. When you say "Shambhavi", your awareness should be fixed at the eyebrow center. When you say "Khechari", your awareness should be fixed where the tongue presses the roof of the mouth (hard or soft palate). When you say "Mool", your awareness should be fixed at the perineum (male) or cervix (female). Repeat this shifting of awareness 3 times, then first release Shambhavi Mudra followed by Moola Bandha.
Bring your awareness back to Bindu and begin Ujjayi exhalation. Move your head to a forward facing position and close your eyes in Unmani Mudra while moving your concentration along the Awarohan passage down the back of the body through the Chakras. Optionally, repeat the name of each Chakra as you pass by it: Ajna, Vishuddhi, Anahata, Manipura, Swadhisthana, Mooladhara. At Mooladhara, open your eyes and droop your head forward to begin the next round. Complete six rounds, then go to the next kriya.
A video describing and demonstrating this kriya is presented below.
It is nice that you give this konwledge to the world!
ReplyDeletePoweful practices ! thanks for sharing this
ReplyDeleteJust one point : i suggest to keep moola bandha on during all the practice,
if possible the "psychic" look rather than the physical one.
More generally, i personnaly keep moola bandha on during any yoga practice (expect when doing aschwini mudra and vajroli mudra); actually, moola bandha is on by itself, independently on my will , it is just spontaneous
best wishes